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Hydro Projects

Instrument on a rivers edge

We have worked on a number of small hydro projects as well as right of way and construction surveys for BC Hydro. We have provided survey services and expertise for all facets of these projects, from initial reconnaissance and mapping, through construction layout to the final legal surveys.

  • Legal survey of 40 km transmission R/W from Ocean Falls to Bella Bella, BC
  • All legal and engineering surveys for design and construction of generating facility on the Mamquam River near Squamish, BC. Work included precise surface and underground control survey for 3km tunnel.
  • Detailed bathymetric survey of Takakia and Moresby Lakes and computations to determine volumes for proposed project to supplement storage for existing Mitchell Inlet generating station.
  • Legal survey of 21 km transmission line from Benson Lake generating station to connect to BC Hydro grid near the Marble River.